Our Terms and Conditions
Don't skip the small print! The important (and necessary bit).
Unless agreed otherwise, all purchases are subject to our terms and conditions.
For most building works, we use JCT 2016 (Joint Contracts Tribunal) forms. Generally for:
- Design and build
- Measured term
- Minor works
Making payments to you
This is the bit we’re sure you’re interested in!
We have to raise a Purchase Order (PO) before you supply any goods or services to us or before any work is carried out by you. But, before we can raise a PO, your details need to be set up in our finance system.
This can take a bit of time. Make sure you’re happy with this before you agree to supply goods or services to us.
To make sure you get paid on time, make sure:
- Each invoice quotes the PO number
- Your invoices give enough detail (it needs to support any audit trail) including:
- Name
- Date (s)
- Nature and location of service or goods provided
We make all our payments through BACS.
Our default payment terms are 30 days.